School Admission criteria
Woodlands School is registered to offer 85 places to pupils who have complex and enduring needs of a physical, sensory impairment nature and/or have complex medical needs. We offer places to children aged between 2 and 19 years old.
Our school provides for children whose needs are captured by the following agreed definition:
- Pupils will have complex needs. This means that they will have co-existing conditions that overlap and interlock, creating a complex profile. Physical and sensory will be indicated as the most significant need on pupils’ EHC plans.
- This will be a single or multi-sensory impairment and/or a physical disability and/or the impact of long-term illness.
- The pupils’ complex disabilities will mean that they will require specialist care for a range of medical needs, for example, epilepsy emergency support, gastrostomies and tracheostomies.
- Cognition and learning will usually be indicated as a need on pupils’ EHCPs.
- The co-occurring and compounding nature of pupils’ complex needs will require a personalised learning pathway that recognises their unique and changing learning patterns.
- Pupils’ multi-sensory impairments may co-occur with a communication and interaction need, such as autism.
Many of our pupils also have an associated learning need alongside their other challenges. We support children with moderate to profound learning needs.
Woodlands has been commissioned by Plymouth City Council to provide a 10 place assessment nursery for children aged 2 - 4 from September 2025. Children may come in order to complete their EHCP assessment process and The criteria for accessing a place is explained below.
Click here to access our SEND and Disability Information Report.
How to access a place at Woodlands Assessment Nursery
Children who have complex needs as listed above and who are aged 2 - 4 years old are potentially eligible for a place.
Parents or professionals will have already applied for the child to have an Education, Health and Care assessment of their needs for an EHCP using the usual process. This link gives more information for families in Plymouth. How we create an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) for your child - Plymouth Online Directory
The Local Authority 0-25 SEND team will then consider the suitability of the request for assessment, and if it is deemed suitable, will then make a decision whether to consult with Woodlands for an assessment place in the nursery provision.
If you live in a different Local Authority area, you should ask your 0-25 team to approach Plymouth’s team for consideration of an assessment place.
Once the school has considered the request and find it suitable, this will be communicated to the Local Authority who will then make the final decision.
Further communication with the family and school will then be undertaken confirming that an assessment place will be offered.
The same entry process as below is used for children entering the school at nursery age.
How to access a place at Woodlands School (5-19 years)
All children who attend must have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), which describes their individual areas of special needs and informs his/her individual education plan. Plymouth Local Authority are the Admitting Authority for Woodlands School and make the final decision regarding awarding places. All Admissions to Woodlands are made through this route for pupils from any Local Authority area.
Parents/Carers and Guardians will be consulted about their chosen school as part of the process of obtaining an EHCP for their child. As part of this process, professionals working with your family will suggest suitable schools for you to visit. Professionals are also welcome to attend to provide support.
Visits can be arranged by contacting our school office on 01752 300101 or emailing
Following a visit, Parents/Carers and Guardians should express their preferred school choice to their own Local Authority directly via their supporting professional or using the service's email address.
For more information see Visiting and placements in a special school - Plymouth Online Directory
The Local Authority will then consult with Woodlands about it's ability to offer a place and meet your child's outcomes and provision's listed on their EHCP. All consultations are then discussed at the 0-25 SEND Specialist Placements Panel which will consider suitability and the school's response to the consultation. They will then make a decision whether to place your child at Woodlands.
Professionals are also encouraged to visit us the school to increase their knowledge of our provision as it is constantly evolving.
Once a School Place has Been Agreed
If a place has been offered to your child at Woodlands we will work with you to find the best way to undertake a positive transition.
We have a supportive process for managing the entry of all new pupils into school, whatever their age, which covers all aspects of their needs including: education, health and care.
Admissions may take place at any time during the year, if places are available.
For further information, please visit our policies page.