Life Skills
When our students leave the school’s Early Years department, their needs are either met by our Sensory Needs Curriculum or the Life Skills Curriculum.
Students studying the Life Skills Curriculum have a level of understanding that enables them to study separate subject areas. To ensure a good level of core skills, students will also follow programmes of study based on the National Curriculum.
The combination of the Life Skills Curriculum and core skills ensures that all pupils following this more formal curriculum route, have specific access to teaching and learning which focuses on providing frequent, quality teaching in the skills that lead to maximising independence in all aspects of life.
Having a good basis of functional Literacy and Numeracy skills allows young people to be able to access facilities, make choices, and be independent with their finances. However, this needs to sit alongside the ability to access the world around them with confidence and skills. This curriculum plan focusses on this, alongside the essential elements of personal safety and understanding of self-advocacy.